Meet the secret to our sustainable packaging
Our year-long quest to find the best alternatives to plastic cosmetics packaging has taken us to some weird and wonderful places.
After an exhaustive search, we landed on a deceptively underrated solution for all of our tins: aluminium. Buried somewhere deep on your high school periodic table and in your kitchen drawer, aluminium is an all-star option to keep your makeup bag blissfully free of plastic packaging, and has the potential to revolutionise so much more.
The best thing about it? Most consumer metals start to lose their quality and usefulness after a certain point in their recycling journey. But aluminium doesn’t - it’s infinitely recyclable and stays high on quality no matter how many times it’s reused. It’s status as the most abundant metal on earth means you can load up your beauty routine with our full range time and time again, without impacting the planet.
Recycled aluminium isn’t just good from a physical waste point of view: it’s also incredibly light on emissions. Just 5% of the fossil fuels used in primary production of aluminium is used to recycle it, saving a huge amount of energy each year. And the industry is something of a trailblazer in the metals and mining industry, gaining recognition from the UN for its work restoring the environment across global mine sites.
And with all the important stuff present and accounted for - aluminium's sleek, silver and just looks good. And that’s almost as important in our books.
Convinced? Join the fan club and shop our range of high-performance, low-waste aluminium-packaged products - Velvet Eyeshadow and Dew Tint.