The three beauty rules to unfollow
Makeup should be fun. We think that ‘how to’ should really be ‘however you want to’. Sometimes the rules we’ve been taught over the years are more of a hindrance than a help. Here are three beauty rules to break right now:
1) Rule to break : Contouring
The sculpted and photo-shopped look has dominated the makeup world for some time, but we’re seeing a return to more natural beauty and we’re here for it. Makeup should not be about “correcting” so called imperfections. It’s about expressing your style and creativity. Worry less about fixing and more about having fun.
2) Rule to break : Lips or eyes (never both)
We have heard this time and time again. But we say do whatever works for you. Rock a bold lip and smoky eye if you choose.
3) Rule to break : Let products do their job
Hmmm.. or let them do more. We are all for multitasking products. A highlighter that is also a primer, and cheek colour that can be used as a lip tint or eye shadow. An eyeliner that doubles up as a lip liner. Products that can do more than intended are a win win.
Throw out the rule book and have some fun experimenting.